Hey everyone, my last post has been nearly a month ago. Even though I really wanted to post some good content on here I somehow couldn't? and that's because I've had writers block. What is writers block you ask? It is when you, a writer, can't produce any new work. Sometimes its because of stress and other times its your creativity slowly depleting, but alas I am back and this is the post you've waited for. I really want to try and post on here more often, but also get good stuff to post about because its weird just going on and on about what I've been up to lately, like recently I've been posting some things on Youtube.com and well... its going good. If you want to check it out I will link it here . I also want to try and do some more live streaming but I don't really get a chance to do that, but I'll try, I promise. Okay now that that is out of the way, I have added a few new buttons if you haven't seen them already just click on the three l...
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